When you make the important decision to pierce your ears, you're probably anxious to have that added sparkle as soon as possible. But then the decisions begin:Nickel or gold?Silver or platinum?Does it...
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Are Your Earring Backs Causing Pain and Redness?
Have you ever experienced pain and redness
from wearing earrings? It might be a symptom of an ear infection, an allergy to
metal like nickel or the earring is too tight, cutting circulation to the e...
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The Safest Hypoallergenic Earrings Are Not Stainless Steel
Most of us have stainless-steel jewelry in our collection. It’s rustproof, almost impossible to scratch, and the silvery shine lasts forever. I mean, it’s “stainless,” right? Stainless steel is a popu...
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Medical Plastic Earrings For Kids
can be tough on earrings. They get pulled or broken from hair, clothing, or
just rolling around and having fun. Cheap metal earrings can bend or break, and
they can also cause a condition know...
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Best Selling Earrings For Children
USA has a remarkable collection of skin-friendly earrings for kids. We offer
all kinds of colors, shapes, and child-friendly designs using only the safest
of materials: medical plastic and...
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