American families have a variety of ear-piercing options to
choose from. They include mall stores
and mall kiosks, jewelry businesses of all types, some salons, tattoo parlors
and piercing salons. Th...
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Cost Doesn’t Need to Limit Your Earring Wardrobe
The more jewelry costs the better quality it
is, right?Not so fast! This is one case when it’s crucial
to look at the metal composition of any jewelry before considering an expensive
piece of jewel...
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But WHY Is Metal Choice So Important for Pierced Earrings?
Which Metal Is Best for Ear Piercing and Why? Ear piercing has been popular for centuries and is one of the most widely accepted forms of body adornment around the globe. In the US, statistics from 20...
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Why Ear Piercing with a Medical Professional is an Easy Decision
Your 6-year old is
wearing you down with her requests for getting her ears pierced. You had your
own ears pierced as a child, so you understand the attraction. The only thing
holding you back, thou...
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Thriving Despite a Nickel Allergy
Thriving Despite a Nickel AllergyIt has happened to everyone who struggles with
a sensitivity to nickel. You receive a lovely gift. Exactly what you hoped for.
In your hand you hold a small square b...
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