Why should you care about buying nickel-free earrings? After all, you don’t suffer from the red, itchy ears or
blisters that can happen from an allergic reaction to nickel. Hold on a moment.
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5 Facts About Nickel-Free Earrings
Do you or your child have problems wearing
pierced earrings? Do they cause a rash or other irritation? We’re not talking
about an infection from a new piercing. Instead, this is for earring wearers...
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Nickel-Free Earrings, What You Need To Know
Jenna G. is a single mom and a V.P. for a
national bank. Part of her job is meeting with high-level executives to discuss
business, usually in a corporate setting or 5-star hotel luncheon. Jenna has...
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Why Nickel-Free Earrings Are So Popular
Do your earrings, bracelets, and necklaces
make you look bad? No, not fashion. We’re talking about the ugly redness around
your wrists and neck or the itchy, red earlobes that happen when wearing yo...
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Nickel-Free Earrings - The Answer to Itchy, Red Ears
Ladies, have you ever been embarrassed by
red ears? Some of us have ears so sensitive that when we get emotional, our
ears turn red making us feel self-conscious. If it infrequently happens like...
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